About us

We are a group of students, alumni and teachers of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas joined by the idea of reinventing the Top Grade Journal. By means of this electronic journal, which stresses students’ initiatives as its core, we are intended to achieve for our readers to have a look at students’ academic, artistic, and literary productions of our university.

Top Grade Journal is aimed at opening these electronic pages to written works in Spanish and English and illustrations since we consider it relevant to open a bilingual space where both languages, Spanish which is our mother tongue and English as a second language, can allow our readers to move around throughout the contents dynamically.

Our team is made up of 8 people, as follows:

Yolanda Samacá Bohórquez

Head of the project

Collaborators of edition

Yeraldine Aldana, MA.

Diana Cabrera, MA.

Editorial board

Paula Londoño Martínez

Julián Ramírez Rivera

Alejandra Salazar Zubieta


Alber Josué Forero

Nataly Camargo Pineda


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