Call for papers

FIRST CALLThe XVI CIECT will be held virtually on November 25 and 26, 2021, under the slogan: Techno-scientific promises in a post-pandemic world focused on knowledge transfer, innovation and sustainable local development

This suggestive title, due to the impacts after the Covid 19 crisis in the world, makes it possible to foresee the overcoming of social, political, and economic tensions; but above all scientific and technological ones. Local Development in vulnerable territories needs adapted and intelligent innovation intensive in scientific knowledge.

Consequently, the CIECT XVI will be an academic event organized by the curricular project of Technology in Electronics of the Technological Faculty of the UDFJDC, which will seek to link its academic sector with the productive forces, in order to implement innovative solutions in strategic recovery sectors during and after the pandemic. The post-pandemic productive world requires solutions adapted for a vigorous and expectant society.

The major topics covered in the event will be:

  • Signal Processing
  • Adaptive Intelligent Systems
  • Control and automation systems
  • Bioengineering and preventive healthcare
  • Cutting-edge Information and communications technologies
  • Alternative energy sources with a high degree of portability
  • Applied nanotechnology


1.      Paper submissionInstructions: The authors must submit a full version of the work to the congress email: must use the downloadable template : PLANTILLA CIECTXVI Authors must send an original full document (15 to 20 pages) that has not been previously published. All contributions can be written in English or Spanish using the template.

2.      Review process
All papers will be reviewed by 3 evaluators, in double-blind peer modality.
The important dates are:

Full paper submission: until 3 october, 2021

Acceptance notification: October 18, 2021

Final version of papers: Until november 15, 2021

Event: 25 and 26 november, 2021 Inaugural Conference: 25 november 2021National presentations: 25 november 2021

Transmission will be available on the faculty networks at the following times: 10-12, 2-4 p.m.; 6-8 p.m

Main international presentations: 26 November 2021

Transmission will be available on the faculty networks at the following times: 10-12, 2-4 p.m.; 6-8 p.m

Accepted papers will have 25 minutes for the presentation -transmitted via Zoom-, and 5 minutes for questions.

We will be coordinating the schedule in this way, as well as technical and technological considerations.

We appreciate your commitment to our academic community. From our Faculty, we wish you the best for you and your loved ones, in this extraordinary circumstance.


MSc. Harold Vacca González