Within the framework of the VII Research Meeting of the Faculty of Science and Education of the Universidad Distrital FJC, celebrated on december 2, 2019 we had opportunity to invite a traveling lecturer as a benefit of the Optical Society of American (OSA), to the Professor Antonio d’Alessandro, president of Study Programs in Electronic Engineering and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Information Engineering at the Sapienza University of Rome.
Professor Antonio, was able to give us two conferences about his general research work. As introduction to the event, he told us general aspects about the research in your country and your personal experience in it, conference titled “Being a researcher today: personal challenges, growth opportunities and fun “. In the afternoon, specific work tables were organized and there was discuss about technology and cultural transformation, public politics in education and research and basic and applied sciences. Our invited, as research in basic science, offered a second plenary talk about his research in optics, titled "Fully Optical Switchable and Wavelength Selective Photonic Devices Made of Liquid Crystals and Polymers".
This experience was very significate for all members of chapter, because to organize and to receive international researcher that share his experiences, motived us for high professional development, perfect our second language, and to organize more events that help a general research development.