ICFSC 2022


Challenges And Trends

“Industrialization of the countryside as a driver of sustainable development”




If you want to participate, find the registration link below.




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Scotiabank Colpatria
Cuenta de ahorros:
CC. 79270174


After you have made your payment, you must fill out the following form in order to officialize your registration to participate in the congress.




You can check out our programming by clicking on the following link.




Nowadays, logistics operations for the food supply chain demand innovative proposals that allow achieving sustainability. It is necessary to discuss about the development of the food sector, food security, efficiency, environmental impact and permanence of the actors in the market. In addition, quality and post-harvest processes must be analyzed and improved and reduced the losses. In this context, challenges and opportunities arise in the food sector to achieve its sustainability.

The International Conference on Food Supply Chains (ICFSC) is fast approaching, the Research Network on Food Supply Chains (RICSA) invites you to share the results of research projects on CSA or participate, personally or virtually, in the plenaries and papers presented by researchers and experts in Bogotá.



Juan Harvey Castro Trujillo

Talk: La inocuidad en la cadena de abastecimiento de la guerra y el apoyo humanitario

Bio – Business Administrator with Specialization in Logistics Management and Master in Management of Value Networks and Logistics. He has extensive experience in Consulting on Logistics Networks, business creation, development and implementation of logistics systems, Commercial Management and Academic Processes. Trained to exercise leadership, work in the logistics area within quality management systems in production and transportation, administrative and commercial area.



Marcos Rodríguez Fazzone

Talk: Sistemas agro-alimentarios y la participación de la agricultura familiar y comunitaria (ACFC)

Bio – Senior Specialist in Rural Development, Food Systems and Family Farming. LTC (Lead Technical Consultant) for more than 15 projects, assuming the planning and technical direction of coordinators and multidisciplinary teams. Experience in social and productive inclusion strategies with vulnerable populations (indigenous, afro, women and rural youth, restituted and reincorporated). Advisor to the FAO Representative in Colombia in the management, design and implementation of policies and projects for territorial rural development and inclusive markets. Accompanying the implementation of the Comprehensive Rural Reform of the Peace Agreement. Development of rural development strategies in the areas most affected by the conflict.


Ana Luna

Bio – Vice-Dean of Business Engineering at Universidad del Pacífico. Full-time professor of the Academic Department of Engineering and researcher at CIUP. She holds a Ph.D. and a B.Sc. degree in Physics from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA-Argentina). In the research field, she has worked for several years in the Solid Lasers Division at DEILAP, CONICET headquarters. She has been president of the UBA chapter of the International Society for Optical Engineering, vice-president of the UBA chapter of the Optical Society of America and member of the Argentinean Physical Association. Area of expertise in Photonic crystals, solid lasers, evolutionary algorithms, multilayers, structural color, pulsed solid lasers with active and passive Q-Switching techniques.


Jesús González-Feliu


Talk: Sustainable supply chain innovation and public policy planning: the opportunities of decision support in urban food hub network development

Bio –Currently full professor in Supply Chain Management at Excelia Group la Rohelle Business School. He obtained his Master’s degree in Civil Engineering and Urban Planning in 2003 at INSA Lyon (France) and passed Ph.D. in computer and systems sciences – operations research in 2008 at Politecnico di Torino (Italy). Professeur, Pôle Supply chain, Purchasing and Project management directeur du Pôle CERIIM – Centre de Recherche en Intelligence et Innovation Managériales. Professor, Supply chain, Purchasing and Project management Department.





Rodrigo Gil


Talk: La industrialización del campo

Bio –Linked to the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University since 2006, first as a researcher at the Center for Bio-systems and then, since 2011, as a professor in the Department of Basic Sciences. He has participated in research projects in the area of modeling and simulation of natural processes. Some of the results obtained have been published in national and international scientific journals. Among his research interests are the study of methodologies to measure the impact of agriculture on the environment and the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for the surveillance of strategic ecosystems and crop monitoring. He is currently pursuing doctoral studies in Bioengineering at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.


Gustavo Adolfo Rodriguez Yzquierdo

Bio – Teacher and Researcher in tropical fruit growing for 25 years. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Professor at the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) in agronomic management of fruit trees. Coordinator and Co-investigator of different projects in plantain, banana, passion fruit, pineapple, papaya crops. He is currently developing lines of research in stress ecophysiology, efficient management of water resources, mineral nutrition, integrated production of tropical fruit crops and sustainable agribusiness models in different production systems.



proposal  submission deadline September 30
Notification of acceptation October 15
Deadline for formalizing the registration of the speakers October 20
Deadline for formalizing the enrollment of attendees October 16th
Workshop dates: October 26-28.

Abstracts will be received for the papers, For approved papers, those who wish to apply for publication in the associated reviews must send the article in English in the formats of each journal, no later than September 30



Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano

Cra 4 #22-61, Bogotá

Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria AGROSAVIA

Km 14, Vía Mosquera-Bogotá



General Chair. Javier Arturo Orjuela Castro. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Technical Chairs. Milton Mauricio Herrera Ramírez. Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Track Chairs. Jorge Eduardo Aya Rodríguez. RAP-E Región Central




  1. Track 1: Quality, postharvest and losses.  Organized by University Jorge Tadeo – Martha Tarazona. Contact:  marthap.tarazonad@utadeo.edu.co
  2. Track 2: Logistics and supply chains – Organized by University de la Sabana . Gonzalo Mejía. Contact: gonzalo.mejia@unisabana.edu.co
  3. Track 3: Sector development, food security and sustainable policies: Organized by University Militar Nueva Granada. Oscar Palacio León. Contact: Oscar.palacio@unimilitar.edu.co
  4. Track 3: Sector development, food security and sustainable policies: Organized by University Militar Nueva Granada. Oscar Palacio León. Contact: Oscar.palacio@unimilitar.edu.co
  5. Track 4: Master’s/Doctoral Projects in the agricultural sector



Please remember that I International Conference in Food Supply Chains: challenges and trends will consider papers to be published in one of the Associated Journals *

*They will have to go through peer review

All papers must be submitted Via Easychair


In addition to the traditional research paper, we also encourage submissions of practitioner applications and work-in-progress. Special proposals for plenary or parallel sessions and panel discussions are encouraged. Proposals for workshops and tutorials are also welcome. If you have ideas for sessions and workshops focused on addressing practical issues in specific commercial or scientific fields, please contact the program chairs.



Only full papers will be considered to be published into our Proceedings and/or Journals

We will publish selected papers into:

  • Revista Ingeniería Universidad Distrital (ISSN 0121-750X, E-ISSN 2344-8393). Ranked B by Minciencias, indexed by Scielo, and available on Ebsco, Fuente Académica Premier, Applied Science & Technology Source, Latindex, Dialnet, Periódica, Informe Académico, Actualidad Iberoamericana, and Red Colombiana de Revistas de Ingeniería databases. Open Access: Yes.


  • Revista ciencia y tecnología agropecuaria (ISSN.0122-8706 E-ISSN: 2500-5308). Ranked B by Minciencias, indexed by Scopus and available on Emerging Sources Citation and Publindex. Open Access: Yes.


  • Journal of the Horticultural Association of Colombia, ASOHOFRUCOL – FNFH. Revista digital frutas y hortalizas – F&H, Colombia ISSN 2027-9671. Edition that disseminates information of a scientific, technical, economic and nutritional nature, as well as the results of the plans, programs and projects carried out by the guild, among other topics.




Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria AGROSAVIA


Asociación Hortifrucola de Colombia ASOHOFRUCOL

Región Central RAP-E

Red de Investigación en Cadenas de Suministro Alimentarias RICSA

Grupo de Investigación en Cadenas de Abastecimiento, Logística y Trazabilidad   GYCALyT

Grupo de estudios Contemporáneos en Gestión y Organizaciones  GECGO

Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano

Universidad de La Sabana


ICFSC 2022 is open !!!

We are pleased to announce that ICFSC will be in Bogotá – Colombia during Oct. 26 – Oct. 28, 2022 !!!

More details and great news will be announced soon !